Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Let The Good Times Roll

It's been some time since my last blog. My life has changed quite a bit. It's no longer spent on the computer researching art and trends, making websites or following branding events and parties. Life goes through phases of ups, downs, plateaus, and turns. Especially in your twenties! One minute you can be sitting there where all is calm or even boring, bobbing like a boey, waiting for that next "something" in life to come your way. You are looking out into the horizon not knowing if it is coming or when, but just like a set of waves; you see the bump forming from a distance, you get that feeling in your gut that the time is now. You start moving quick so you can catch an incredible experience that the universe so kindly set up for you. And if your bold enough to go after it, the rewards are indescribable.

The direction of August Arc will take a new and exciting turn to mimic the changes that have taken place in my life this past year. I will catch you up to date with new sightings, new places, new people and things.  A lot of moving around, world travel, extreme adventure, an unknown future and the constant quest to satisfy my creative and curious soul. 


      Let the good times keep rolling...
        Ali Rae

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